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Customer Service Coordinator

 Join STADA Nordic in this newly established, cross functional position. You will develop and implement best-in-class tools, practices, concepts, and standardized processes within the field of customer centric experiences, which will sustain the company’s reputation and support the daily collaboration with our partners. Furthermore, you will participate in projects within the commercial area to increase flexibility and scalability in the organization.

Systematisk grafisk koordinator/-designer til 6 måneders vikariat med mulighed for forlængelse

Har du interesse for lægemidler, kosttilskud og hudpleje? Så er det måske hos STADA Nordic, du fremover skal bruge dine grafiske kompetencer inden for artwork i bred forstand. Der er mange opgaver at holde styr på, for STADA Nordic har mange produktlanceringer og eksisterende produkter at vedligeholde. Den nye koordinator/grafiker bliver bl.a. ansvarlig for emballage og pakkematerialer til både lægemidler og hudpleje i samarbejde med STADA’s anden koordinator/grafiker. Vikariatet ønskes besat hurtigst muligt. 

Senior Brand & E-Commerce Manager

Unique opportunity to work strategically with Brand and Category Management in a hands-on and operational Nordic role. You will be working with a portfolio of selected and highly prioritized brands/products within CHC (OTC, Medical Devices, Cosmetics etc.). You will be responsible for the overall development of your brands, creating plans (strategic and tactical) to optimize profitability, market share, and revenue growth on both short and long term in Nordic – in-store and with strong focus on e-commerce. You will be working with 360 planning and executing of line-extensions / launches, from assessing potential, to launch and beyond. Winning in Digital and e-Commerce is crucial, and you are therefore highly skilled and experienced in managing and developing brands online.

© 2018 STADA Nordic

STADA Nordic ApS   ▫   Marielundvej 46 A   ▫   2730 Herlev   ▫   Danmark    ▫   +45 4485 9999   ▫    mail@stada.dk   ▫  stada.com